

顶点云为我 2016 年的某个课程设计,旨在基于北邮校园网搭建一个小规模的云存储、共享平台。本文简单介绍顶点云应用程序服务器设计目标,分析需求。此文章发布时项目尚未编写完成,与此项目相关的文章将随项目同步更新,并收集在专栏 《顶点云设计与实现》 中。

Fix in Haskell

There’re many interesting features in Haskell, here I want to introduce and analyse the Fixed-point combinator, which spent me several hours understanding but only scratched the surface.

Network Mining Based On Co-occurrence

Generate network based on co-occurrence was proposed several decades ago, however, it still occupies most of papers talking about network discovering. Here I want to give a simple introduction for network capture by conventional co-occurrence methods. The following contents are slightly related with the basis of my current work, they are out of date but still useful sometimes.

Cantor Expansion With Duplicate Elements

Cantor Expansion is simple, however, for permutations with duplicate elements, some factors are changed.For why I use English: Since I am going to write an English paper, I want to write several articles in English here for practice. Please forgive me for any inconvenience I may have caused to you.